BVEF STEM Challenge Program
STEM Problem Solving
Program Information & Examples
Participants: STEM related business(es) staff (5-6) & BVEF member school district students
Program can be modified for higher Elementary, Middle School, or High School students
BVEF organizes and facilitates event series
Format: 3 Virtual Zoom Sessions - 1.5 hours each
Session 1:
Introduction and education about participating business
Assignment of student small group teams
Presentation of real work problem: See Example
Presentation of problem-solving and group critical thinking framework as guide
Group project work time in breakout rooms
Session 2:
Introduction and education about participating business
Assignment of student teams
Presentation of real work problem
Group project work time in breakout rooms
Session 3:
Final small group preparation
Group presentations of their work and solutions to Industry Professionals
Q&A and Resources
Optional: Awarding of scholarships, internship, and/or in-person opportunities to all or standout students.
Example Schedule:
Participation offers students opportunities to:
Participate in virtual project based work to better understanding the business model problem solving process
Experience first hand the uses for STEM in everyday life, and career applications
Identify, develop and practice problem solving skills and deep human skills
Boost the interest, awareness and ability for all learners, including those who are underrepresented in STEM fields
Help students envision themselves in STEM s and to pursue STEM careers.
Build interpersonal skills that are a key factor to success including teamwork and problem-solving.
If you have any questions please contact Joscelyn Young, .